Most apartments and houses include a bathtub within their bathroom these days, but people rarely use it for many reasons. It takes a lot of water to fill in, and water cools down too fast in a bathtub. Also, it takes a lot of effort to keep it clean. Some residents choose to take the bathtub out of their bathroom when they remodel their house to make their bathroom wider. Common bathtubs are designed for taking a full bath while you sit on its bottom surface. Those are not suitable for lower-body bathing where you must sit up straight. Bellybath only takes half the space of regular bathtubs so it can be installed easily within bathrooms belonging to a house, pension, or motel. Bellybath is loved by many users as a portable bathtub designed specifically for lower-body bathing.
회사명 : 벨리바스(두꺼비욕조) | 대표자명 : LEE SADOO | 사업자등록번호 : 385-07-02290 [사업자등록증확인]
주소 : 경기도 남양주시 화도읍 가구단지중앙길 80-3, 1층 | 연락처 : 031-511-6773/070-4042-2429 | 이메일 :
통신 판매업 신고번호 : 제2021-화도수동-0516호 | 입금계좌 : 새마을금고 9003-2718-2724-7 LEE SADOO | Design Hosting by 위멘토.