Exhortation | MD., PHD Seonghwan Oh
I recommend you take a lower-body bath
Anyone can suffer from sickness and accidents at any time during their lifetime, and they may feel discouraged due to deterioration of human function due to aging. Many patients are looking for hospitals, and doctors treat them with advanced medical technology. However, even modern medicine does not completely solve problems with human health. People say surgery is done by a doctor, but recovery is done by God. A patient's illness cannot be cured by doctor's ability alone. All patients have to take care of themselves very well.
It may sound like a joke, but I often tell my patients that "lower-body bathing is like a doctor who is even better than me". Water's buoyancy, pressure, resistance and temperature will help stabilize your body while working on aquatic therapy. It is easy to practice and as effective as exercising. It will help protect you from getting sick.
Lower-body bathing improves the blood circulation and helps people with stress, sleep disorder, backache, male impotence, hair loss, obesity, lack of concentration, hemorrhoids, musculoskeletal system disorder, gynecological disease, and various fatigue syndromes. Lower-body bathing is good for anyone in all ages at any season of the year. I recommend you do it daily, but even once or twice per a week is very helpful.
You can control water temperature and time as you wish (39~42℃ and 10~30 minutes recommended), but you must do it until you sweat to get the most out of it. Any bathtub would work, but I recommend you use a chair-shaped bathtub for a long time lower-body bath so you can sit up straight and support your lower back comfortably. As a doctor, I spend most of my time sitting in front of my desk. I must do aerobic exercise like walking, but I do not have enough time for it. That is why I take lower-body bathing daily to keep myself energetic and healthy. I would like to recommend everyone who wants to be healthy to take lower-body bath.
Doctor of Family Medicine
Director of Juduck Hyundai Pain Clinic
MD, PHD Seonghwan Oh
회사명 : 벨리바스(두꺼비욕조) | 대표자명 : LEE SADOO | 사업자등록번호 : 385-07-02290 [사업자등록증확인]
주소 : 경기도 남양주시 화도읍 가구단지중앙길 80-3, 1층 | 연락처 : 031-511-6773/070-4042-2429 | 이메일 : bellybath.sd@daum.net
통신 판매업 신고번호 : 제2021-화도수동-0516호 | 입금계좌 : 새마을금고 9003-2718-2724-7 LEE SADOO | Design Hosting by 위멘토.